徹底討論大徳寺伝来五百羅漢図の作品誌 ― 地域社会からグローバル世界へ ― A Comprehensive Look: The Cultural Biography of the Daitokuji Five Hundred Luohans
from Local to Global Contexts

We finish our registration process for visitors, beause of limited number of our stocks of transceivers for simultaneous interpretation. 

Please note that we might be impossible to provide with the transceivers for those who participate without pre-registration.

参加登録/Registration 終了しました

参加登録書/Registration Form Ms-word /pdf

1) 参加登録書 Ms-word / pdfを印刷またはダウンロードされてください。
 Download and print the registration form Ms-word / pdf from this website.
2) 必要事項をご記入の上、所定の宛先にe-mailまたはFaxでお申し込みください。
 Please fill out the necessary information and send it by e-mail or fax.
3) 後日、許可証をお送りしますので、それを当日、シンポジウムの受付でお見せ下さい。
 The permission form will be sent later; please show it at the symposium registration desk on the relevant day.

Please reserve your accommodations in Fukuoka as soon as possible.