IMAP Department of Philosophy

(Credit 2)
Intended Year:
Intended School: 専修学生に限る. Graduate students may enroll. Advanced undergraduates with strong interests in the subject matter and suitable preparation in Japanese (Nikyū level or higher) should write/speak to the professor about enrollment, if interested.
Topics in Japanese Humanities III
Topics in Japanese Humanities III
Sub Title  Introduction to Classical Japanese 日本古典入門
モンタナ大学名誉教授 Judith N. RABINOVITCH
Numbering Code:
Course Code:
2016 FallTerm
weekly Tue2
Hakozaki G30 Classroom
E科目 (English, 日本語)
: 2016/5/31 (02:44) 〔This syllabus is a draft. For questions, please contact the professor at rabinovitchj AT〕
Course Overview 講座の概略:本科目は、代表的な古文の構成と内容を古語辞典等を参考にしながら理解する能力と、日本古文の基礎的な知識を学習し活用していく技能を高めることを第一目的とする。古文文法の基礎的なルールを分かりやすく説明し、解読技術を身につけるための勉強方法やポイントを紹介し、総括的ガイダンスを提供する。日本語という言語体系は一枚岩的な統一体ではなくむしろ長い歴史の中で外来の様々な深い影響を受け、特に中国の言語文化を吸収することで著しい変貌をしつづけて来た為、国民の言語生活を正に複雑なものにした。しかしながら古文の基盤は10−11世紀を中心とした平安時代の中期に出来上がり、貴族芸文化が見事に開花した中で公家の男女に書き残された優れた文章が、後世の和文の規範となったものである。その背景を踏まえ、このゼミでは特に平安朝の文学古文例を多く取り上げる。

次の4つの要素を軸に (特にその@に重きを置くが) 授業を展開させていく予定である。

@ 言語の骨格となる品詞(特にもっとも頻繁に使われていた助動詞)の活用とシンタックスと、ことばに肉と味をつける語彙、言葉遣い、修辞法、文体など(言語の知識)
A 公家の男女の美の意識と感受性、歌の機能と構成、和歌と散文の融合など(古典文学の知識)
B 表記法、和文・和漢混淆文の比較、漢文・漢文書き下し文が和文に及ぼした影響など (日本語史の基本知識)
C 公家たちの家屋、手回品、衣類のほか、「こよみ」や「季節観」など(人間文化の話題)


English Course Objectives and Content: This course, to be conducted as a graduate seminar and designed primarily for non-native Japanese speakers, is intended as a first introduction to the classical Japanese language, its grammar, sentence structure, and word usage in particular. It is designed to acquaint students with the pleasures of reading classical Japanese literary texts in the original. The course content will embrace the following four components, with particular emphasis on the first:

@ a strong language core, emphasizing kobun grammar and common auxiliary suffix conjugations and syntactical patterns, which provide the framework for sentence formation; and the development of a knowledge of words, rhetorical usages, and style, which flesh out language, giving it flavor and richness;
A literary topics, such as the structure and rhetoric of poetry, the amalgamation of poetry, and prose in court writings, and Japanese aesthetics and literary sensibilities;
B Japanese language history, with particular attention to writing systems and orthography, traditional wabun vs, mixed (wakan konkōbun) writing styles, the influence of Chinese vocabulary, grammar, and syntax, and other influences from kanbun traditions upon the development of the Japanese language;
C material culture, including aspects of housing, dress, personal accessories, the calendar, and methods of reckoning time. Philosophical themes such as the Japanese awareness of the passing seasons and the ephemerality of all living things will also be treated, so that students gain a holistic understanding of the fundamentals of the classical language in its broad diversity as well as its cultural milieu.

Language did not develop monolithically as a unified entity but rather became a complex system with many variant styles under the impact of foreign languages, notably Chinese, and Japanese social and historical changes. Nevertheless, the vernacular language of the mid-Heian age remained the core of language development in successive periods. For this reason, we will draw most heavily from Heian writing samples in this course, analyzing representative texts mostly from the 9th to the 14th century. Grammatical analysis of assigned passages and English translation activities will occupy much of our class time. You will also learn the fundamentals of dictionary use, the use of textual headnotes, and the mechanics of kyū-kanazukai spellings and premodern “variant” hiragana (hentaigana), important skills for all students interested in studying texts from any period before 1950.

This course will be largely conducted in English, as discussions will be first and foremost linguistic in nature. We will also be translating into English. There will be readings and/or exercises and translations assigned each week, but the main work for students will be to master the fundamentals of Japanese grammar and vocabulary through memorization and to read and analyze thoroughly assigned passages line by line, using the techniques and knowledge gained in class. The course will be conducted as a seminar, with individual students being called upon to speak.

Grading breakdown: A (90-100) B (80-89) C (70-79) D (60-69) E (50-59).

Assessment Criteria:

Final exam: 30%
Short quizzes: 25% Note: I will drop from grade calculations any one missed or low-scoring quiz.
Homework: 20% Note: I will drop from grade calculations any one missed, late, or low-scoring assignment for all students.
Translation project: 10%
Participation/contributions/class preparation: 15%

Works to Be Read Will Be Chosen from the Following List:

“Iroha” いろは (A-B-C) poem: this poem contains each letter in the old Japanese phonetic syllabary nicely camouflaged as an imayō style 今様 poem with a Buddhist message. This renowned, anonymous, undated verse became a model for calligraphy practice and a handy syllabic inventory in the mid-Heian period. It serves as a primer of Japanese classical grammar.

A few selections from Man’yōshū 万葉集 [The Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves, ca. 759], the first anthology of Japanese poetry, all verses recorded in an experimental, now defunct script; selections from the first imperial anthology of Japanese poetry, Kokinshū 古今集, compiled 905. KKS became the model for the twenty-one imperial anthologies of the court.

A short portion of Kojiki 古事記 [Record of Ancient Matters, 712], the first Japanese work of literature, myth, and history which survives intact. Written in an experimental style of writing which mixes Japanese and Chinese forms and uses a now-defunct syllabic kanji phonogram system to record poetry. Kojiki contains more than 100 old uta, songs, which constitute the earliest recorded verse in the Japanese tradition.
Taketori monogatari 竹取物語 (early ninth century), the Bamboo’s Picker’s Tale, the first surviving Japanese tale from the Heian period. Anonymous.

An episode from the Tosa Nikki 土佐日記 (934), the first Japanese (as opposed to Chinese) literary diary from the Heian period, documenting in amusing fashion the adventurous, pirate-infested journey of a provincial governor and his wife, as they travel by sea from their provincial post in Tosa 土佐 (in modern Shikoku) back to their home in Kyoto. Written by Ki no Tsurayuki 紀貫之, a male courtier and poet of high status. He creatively adopts the persona of a female diarist, breaking new narrative ground and writing in Japanese, rather than in some form of Chinese, the usual medium employed by male intellectuals and officials for diary writing.

An episode from Ise Monogatari 伊勢物語 (ca 900), the first Heian poem-tale containing poems attributed to famous poet-lover 在原業平 Ariwara no Narihira and those in his [romantic] entourage.

“Harugasumi 春霞,” an amusing anecdote about “poetry contests” taken from the Kokoncho monjū 古今著聞集, a diverse collection of 720-plus interesting stories compiled in 1254 by a courtier named 橘成季Tachibana no Narisue.

The short tale “Sorane no Chigo そら寝の稚児” (The Child Who Feigned Sleep), from the collection of tales Uji shūi monogatari 宇治拾遺物語, compiled in the early Kamakura Period (ca 13th c).

“Anyō no Ama no Kosode 安陽の尼の小袖” [The Short-Sleeved Garment of Anyō the Nun]: a great little story from the Jikkunshō, a morally edifying story collection dating from ca 1251.

An excerpt from Hōjōki 方丈記 [Record of My Ten-Foot Square Hut, 1212], a classic work in the zuihitsu essay tradition by Kamo no Chōmei.

Kanbun materials: Shōmonki, 940, the first war tale; and/or excerpts from courtier diaries such as Midō kanpakuki, the private journal of Fujiwara no Michinaga.
Keywords : Classical Japanese, Kobun, Heian vernacular prose, Chinese, kakikudashi-bun, verbal suffixes, kanbun, Japanese classical culture
Prerequisites : This course is aimed at graduate students or others with advanced standing who have reached at least the nikyū level of Japanese study.
Required Ability : This course is mainly taught in English, with the use of Japanese for discussing textual features; a high level of written and oral competency in English and Japanese is expected.
Notes Reasonable accommodations will be made for all students with documented disabilities. Please see the professor during office hours or after class at the earliest opportunity.

Make-up exams and late submissions are permitted only in cases of documented emergency or hardship.

No TAs are employed in this course. The professor reads and edits all homework, quizzes, the final paper, and the final exam.
Remote/On-site Information regarding Moodle

教職 :
資格 :
Course Objectives
かなり優れている 優れている 及第である 一層の努力が必要
MP_B1-a [一次資料の読解]
Students will gain skill in reading primary wabun materials from the Japanese court of Heian, both prose and poetic forms. They will learn to analyze accurately the grammar and syntax of language and acquire the fundamentals of classical orthography, vocabulary, and rhetoric.
EXCELLENT LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on quizzes and the final exam is evaluated as "outstanding." GOOD LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on quizzes and quizzes and the final exam is evaluated as "good." SAT/PASS LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on quizzes and the final exam is evaluated as "average and satisfactory." DEFICIENT: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on quizzes and the final exam falls below satisfactory; more effort and application are required to pass.
MP_A-b [芸術作品の理解]
The course is designed to advance student knowledge of Heian classical literature through the reading of origial materials. Students will also gain familiarity with Heian aesthetics, value systems, and the sensibilities of courtiers and ladies of the palace.
EXCELLENT LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on quizzes and the final exam is evaluated as "outstanding." GOOD LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on quizzes and the final exam is evaluated as "good." SAT/PASS LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on quizzes and the final exam is evaluated as "average and satisfactory." DEFICIENT: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on quizzes and the final exam falls below satisfactory; more effort and application are required to pass.
MP_B2-c [問題解決能力]
Students will be instructed in methodologies for using reference resources and modern commentaries, and for utilizing textual evidence of various kinds to solve problems related to the reading and interpretation of Heian texts.
EXCELLENT LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the final exam is evaluated as "outstanding." GOOD LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the final exam is evaluated as "good." SAT/PASS LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the final exam is evaluated as "average and satisfactory." DEFICIENT: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the final exam falls below satisfactory; more effort and application are required to pass.
DP_B2-b [コミュニケーション能力]
Communicating well in speech and in academic writing using English will be an important aim in this course. Students will be provided with many opportunities to discuss and also to translate into English literary texts.
EXCELLENT LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on quizzes and the final exam is evaluated as "outstanding." GOOD LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on quizzes and the final exam is evaluated as "good." SAT/PASS LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on quizzes and the final exam is evaluated as "average and satisfactory." DEFICIENT: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on quizzes and the final exam falls below satisfactory; more effort and application are required to pass.
DP_B2-c [社会との関わり]
Students will learn about classical literature in the greater context of Japanese court culture, religions, institutions, relations between the sexes, and the pursuit of the arts in aristocratic life.
EXCELLENT LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, writing assignments, and performance on the final exam is evaluated as "outstanding." GOOD LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, writing assignments, and performance on the final exam is evaluated as "good." SAT/PASS LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, writing assignments, and performance on the final exam is evaluated as "average and satisfactory." DEFICIENT: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, writing assignments, and performance on the final exam falls below satisfactory; considerably more effort and application are required to pass.
MP_C-a [積極性]
Students will gain confidence addressing their peers and making short presentations in English on texts under study. They will be asked to volunteer to answer questions and to inquire proactively about points unclear to them.
EXCELLENT LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of engagement and proactiveness in class, willingness to seek help help, and in ability to show the initiative to develop and pursue assignments, is evaluated as "outstanding." GOOD LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of engagement and proactiveness in class, willingness to seek help, and ability to show the initiative to develop and pursue assignments, is evaluated as "good." SAT/PASS LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of engagement and proactiveness in clase, willingness to seek help, and ability to show the initiative to develop and pursue assignments, is evaluated as "average and satisfactory." DEFICIENT: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of engagement and proactiveness in class, willingness to seek help, and ability to show the initiative to develop and pursue assignments, falls below satisfactory; more effort and application are required to pass.
Literary Translation
Students will practice and develop their skills in Classical Japanese to English literary translation, improving their command of written English and abilities to annotate texts.
EXCELLENT LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class participation, literary writing assignments, and performance on quizzes and the final exam is evaluated as "outstanding." GOOD LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class participation, literary writing assignments, and performance on quizzes and the final exam is evaluated as "good." SAT/PASS LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class participation, literary writing assignments, and performance on quizzes and the final exam is evaluated as "average and satisfactory." DEFICIENT: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class and participation, literary writing assignments, and performance on quizzes and the final exam falls below satisfactory; more effort and application are required to pass.
九州大学文学部ディプロマ・ポリシー   九州大学人文科学府人文基礎専攻ディプロマ・ポリシー
九州大学人文科学府歴史空間論専攻ディプロマ・ポリシー   九州大学人文科学府言語・文学専攻ディプロマ・ポリシー
九州大学文学部哲学コース・カリキュラムマップ   九州大学文学部歴史学コース・カリキュラムマップ
九州大学文学部文学コース・カリキュラムマップ   九州大学文学部人間科学コース・カリキュラムマップ
Course Plan
授業形態(項目) 授業形態(内容)
Problem-Based Learning (問題発見・解決型学習)
Moodle の使用

Textbooks : Electronic materials will generally be posted online and should be downloaded, printed, and read by the student each week. Please bring all provided and downloaded materials to class each week as hard copy.
Reference Books : For purchase: (1) a classical Japanese dictionary of the student's choice and (2) The Bungo Manual: Selected Reference Materials for Students of Classical Japanese (Cornell East Asia Series #48; rpt. University of Hawaii Press) by Helen C. McCullough (to be stocked in the Bookstore). (3) downloadable texts and materials and occasional printed handouts.
Course Handouts :

Course Plan ()
Tentative Weekly Schedules Lecture Exercise, Field trip etc. Comments, suggestions for the course preparation, review, etc.
1 授業のすすめかた、評価方法説明/古典日本語文と現代日本語文の違い Course introduction: subject matter, expectations and requirements, and organization of lessons; we will start a review of grammar fundaments; verbs, adjectives and conjugating suffixes. seminar with discussion Assignments to be announced (TBA).
2 Grammar workshop: verb families and conjugations seminar with discussion Assignments to be announced (TBA).
3 Grammar workshop: suffixes, verbal suffixes and adjectives/adverbs seminar with discussion Assignments to be announced (TBA). Please prepare for review quiz on grammar, double-weighted.
4 古典を読む1〜いろはの歌 seminar with discussion Assignments to be announced (TBA). Please prepare for quiz.
5 古典を読む2〜万葉集、古今集の和歌 seminar with discussion Assignments to be announced (TBA). Please prepare for quiz.
6 古典を読む3〜古事記  seminar with discussion Assignments to be announced (TBA). Please prepare for quiz.
7 古典を読む4〜竹取物語 seminar with discussion Assignments to be announced (TBA). Please prepare for quiz.
8 古典を読む5〜土佐日記 seminar with discussion Assignments to be announced (TBA). Please prepare for quiz.
9 古典を読む5〜伊勢物語 seminar with discussion Assignments to be announced (TBA). Please prepare for quiz.
10 古典を読む6〜伊勢物語定家本と変体仮名の読み方 seminar with discussion Assignments to be announced (TBA). Please prepare for quiz.
11 古典を読む7〜宇治拾遺物語またはその他の説話もの seminar with discussion Assignments to be announced (TBA). Please prepare for quiz.
12 古典を読む8〜方丈記 seminar with discussion Assignments to be announced (TBA). Please prepare for quiz.
13 漢文・変体漢文系の古典文学作品を読む9〜将門記(しょうもんき):10世紀の平将門(たいらのまさかど)の乱(らん)についての軍記物(ぐんきもの) seminar with discussion Assignments to be announced (TBA). Please prepare for quiz.
14 漢文・変体漢文系の古典文学作品を読む10〜公家日記:御堂関白記(みどうかんぱくき) seminar with discussion Assignments to be announced (TBA). Please prepare for quiz.
15 漢文・変体漢文系の古典文学作品を読む11〜候(そうろう)文体の紹介。中世の手紙文を読む。 seminar with discussion Assignments to be announced (TBA). Final Project will be due in class. Final Examination will follow next week.

Evaluation Method

Literary Translation
Grading Percentage, Disqualification etc.
Final Exam Final exam 30%
Class tests Quizzes 25%
In-class contribution Quality and frequency of contributions, preparation 15%
Creations Homework, translations 20%
Attendance Part of Contribution assessment; attendance is mandatory
Report Final project (translation) 10%

GPA Evaluation
授業を通じて、総じて「かなり優れている」に相当する活動を行った。Student shows an excellent level of achievement and engagement. 授業を通じて、概ね「優れている」を超える活動を行った。Student shows a good level of achievement and engagement. 授業を通じて、「及第する」に相当する活動を行った。Student shows a satisfactory, average excellent level of achievement and engagement. 授業を通じて、総じて「及第する」には達しないものの、それに近い活動を行った。Student shows a level of achievement and engagement somewhat below average or satisfactory. 授業を通じて、「一層の努力が必要」の活動にとどまった。Student shows a level of achievement and engagement markedly deficient and unsatisfactory.

Additional Information regarding Evaluation Method : Attendance and coming to class on time is mandatory; deductions will be taken for absences beyond one gratis absence for sickness or emergencies.
Study Consultation (Office Hours) Study Consultation (Office Hours) : By request; planned office hours and place of meeting to be announced. Appointments also available by request; consultation in Japanese or English is welcome.

Suggestion for success (Specific) : Students are requested to attend all classes, to arrive to class on time, and to complete all assigned readings and homework in timely fashion. If there are unforeseen emergencies, please inform the professor at the earliest opportunity. Please do not bring phones or electronic devices to class or read/write texts or email. It is essential to take notes at every lecture and during discussions and to review the content frequently.
