School of Letters Department of Humanities

(Credit 2)
Intended Year:
Intended School:
広人文学演習 III
Humanities (Japan and East Asia) in English(Seminar III)
Sub Title  Religious Beliefs and Practices in Ancient Japan
Associate Professor Ellen VAN GOETHEM
Numbering Code: LET-HUM4103E
Course Code:
2017 SpringTerm
weekly Thu3
Hakozaki Classroom
E科目 (English, English)
: 2017/3/5 (03:31)
Course Overview This course offers an introduction to the richness of religious practices on the Japanese archipelago in ancient times. The lectures will present an overview of developments in ritual practices and religious beliefs from their obscure beginnings to the ninth century CE.
While occasionally referencing early modern and contemporary ideas and beliefs, the course will trace religious developments from the Jōmon through the early Heian periods. The course will thus address native and imported religious and philosophical ideas, beliefs, and practices that helped shape early Japanese culture and society.
Keywords :
Prerequisites :
Required Ability :
Remote/On-site Information regarding Moodle

教職 :
資格 :
Course Objectives
かなり優れている 優れている 及第である 一層の努力が必要
B_A-b [アプローチの理解]
EXCELLENT LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "outstanding." EXCELLENT: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "excellent." PASS: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "average." FAIL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "unsatisfactory."
B_A-a [人文学の視座の理解]
EXCELLENT LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "outstanding." EXCELLENT: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "excellent." PASS: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "average." FAIL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "unsatisfactory."
B_B1-d [専門的研究手法]
EXCELLENT LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "outstanding." EXCELLENT: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "excellent." PASS: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "average." FAIL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "unsatisfactory."
B_B1-c [外国語運用能力]
EXCELLENT LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "outstanding." EXCELLENT: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "excellent." PASS: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "average." FAIL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "unsatisfactory."
九州大学文学部ディプロマ・ポリシー   九州大学人文科学府人文基礎専攻ディプロマ・ポリシー
九州大学人文科学府歴史空間論専攻ディプロマ・ポリシー   九州大学人文科学府言語・文学専攻ディプロマ・ポリシー
九州大学文学部哲学コース・カリキュラムマップ   九州大学文学部歴史学コース・カリキュラムマップ
九州大学文学部文学コース・カリキュラムマップ   九州大学文学部人間科学コース・カリキュラムマップ
Course Plan
授業形態(項目) 授業形態(内容)
Problem-Based Learning (問題発見・解決型学習)
Moodle の使用

Textbooks : No handbook is used
Reference Books :
Course Handouts : Handouts will be made available via Dropbox

Course Plan ()
Tentative Weekly Schedules Lecture Exercise, Field trip etc. Comments, suggestions for the course preparation, review, etc.
1 Introduction
2 The spiritual culture of the Jōmon period see syllabus for readings and assignments
3 The spiritual culture of the Jōmon period see syllabus for readings and assignments
4 Proto-historic beliefs and practices see syllabus for readings and assignments
5 Proto-historic beliefs and practices see syllabus for readings and assignments
6 Early kami worship see syllabus for readings and assignments
7 Early kami worship see syllabus for readings and assignments
8 Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism see syllabus for readings and assignments
9 Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism see syllabus for readings and assignments
10 Varieties of worldviews see syllabus for readings and assignments
11 Court and urban rituals see syllabus for readings and assignments
12 Court and urban rituals see syllabus for readings and assignments
13 Guardian deities and vengeful ghosts see syllabus for readings and assignments
14 Guardian deities and vengeful ghosts see syllabus for readings and assignments
15 Final exam

Evaluation Method
Grading Percentage, Disqualification etc.
Attendance 20%
Class tests 40%
Final Exam 40%

GPA Evaluation
授業を通じて、総じて「かなり優れている」に相当する活動を行った。 授業を通じて、概ね「優れている」を超える活動を行った。 授業を通じて、「及第する」に相当する活動を行った。 授業を通じて、総じて「及第する」には達しないものの、それに近い活動を行った。 授業を通じて、「一層の努力が必要」の活動にとどまった。

Additional Information regarding Evaluation Method :
Study Consultation (Office Hours) Study Consultation (Office Hours) : To be announced

Suggestion for success (Specific) :
