IMAP Department of Philosophy

(Credit 2)
Intended Year: Second-year students of the IMAP in Japanese Humanities
Intended School:
Topics in Religious Practices and Beliefs I
Topics in Religious Practices and Beliefs I
Sub Title  Supervised Reading and Research
Associate Professor Ellen VAN GOETHEM
Numbering Code:
Course Code:
2017 SpringTerm
weekly Tue3
Hakozaki G30 Classroom
E科目 (English, 日本語)
: 2017/3/5 (04:45)
Course Overview This course is for students intending to conduct graduate research in the field of Japanese history or religion. Each participant will be required to devise a reading and research course to address their particular research goal. This includes writing an independent study proposal, developing an appropriate reading list, and designing a research schedule.
The proposal (approx. 1000 words) and an initial reading list should be submitted on the first day of class. Generally, students should propose a topic in relation to their dissertation. The proposal should include a statement of the objective(s) of the project as well as a description of the research and reading to be undertaken.
Students will be informed of their acceptance into this course within three days of the first class. They will then be asked to expand their reading list and research schedule to comprise a semester’s worth of academic material and work.
Accepted students will have individual meetings (in person or via Skype) with the course instructor at regular intervals.
Keywords : individual guided study for second-year MA students in the IMAP in Japanese Humanities
Prerequisites :
Required Ability :
Remote/On-site Information regarding Moodle

教職 :
資格 :
Course Objectives
かなり優れている 優れている 及第である 一層の努力が必要
MP_B2-a [総合把握力]
Presenting (orally and in written form) the results of an individual research project on a regular basis.
EXCELLENT LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "outstanding." GOOD LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "good." SAT/PASS LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "average and satisfactory." DEFICIENT: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes falls below satisfactory; more effort and application are required to pass.
MP_B1-a [一次資料の読解]
Use of primary sources in historical research
EXCELLENT LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "outstanding." GOOD LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "good." SAT/PASS LEVEL: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes is evaluated as "average and satisfactory." DEFICIENT: Student achievement in this area, as measured through his/her level of class preparation and participation, completion of assignments, and performance on the quizzes falls below satisfactory; more effort and application are required to pass.
九州大学文学部ディプロマ・ポリシー   九州大学人文科学府人文基礎専攻ディプロマ・ポリシー
九州大学人文科学府歴史空間論専攻ディプロマ・ポリシー   九州大学人文科学府言語・文学専攻ディプロマ・ポリシー
九州大学文学部哲学コース・カリキュラムマップ   九州大学文学部歴史学コース・カリキュラムマップ
九州大学文学部文学コース・カリキュラムマップ   九州大学文学部人間科学コース・カリキュラムマップ
Course Plan
授業形態(項目) 授業形態(内容)
Problem-Based Learning (問題発見・解決型学習)
Moodle の使用

Textbooks : No textbook is used. Handouts and readings will be distributed by the instructor or are available in the IMAP Seminar Room library.
Reference Books : Students should prepare their own reading list
Course Handouts : Handouts and supplementary materials will be uploaded to the course Dropbox

Course Plan ()
Tentative Weekly Schedules Lecture Exercise, Field trip etc. Comments, suggestions for the course preparation, review, etc.
1 Introduction
2 Discussion based on readings, research progress, etc.
Presentation of intermediary research results
3 Discussion based on readings, research progress, etc.
Presentation of intermediary research results
4 Discussion based on readings, research progress, etc.
Presentation of intermediary research results
5 Discussion based on readings, research progress, etc.
Presentation of intermediary research results
6 Discussion based on readings, research progress, etc.
Presentation of intermediary research results
7 Discussion based on readings, research progress, etc.
Presentation of intermediary research results
8 Discussion based on readings, research progress, etc.
Presentation of intermediary research results
9 Discussion based on readings, research progress, etc.
Presentation of intermediary research results
10 Discussion based on readings, research progress, etc.
Presentation of intermediary research results
11 Discussion based on readings, research progress, etc.
Presentation of intermediary research results
12 Discussion based on readings, research progress, etc.
Presentation of intermediary research results
13 Discussion based on readings, research progress, etc.
Presentation of intermediary research results
14 Discussion based on readings, research progress, etc.
Presentation of intermediary research results
15 Final presentation

Evaluation Method
Grading Percentage, Disqualification etc.
Presentation 50%
Report 50%

GPA Evaluation
授業を通じて、総じて「かなり優れている」に相当する活動を行った。 授業を通じて、概ね「優れている」を超える活動を行った。 授業を通じて、「及第する」に相当する活動を行った。 授業を通じて、総じて「及第する」には達しないものの、それに近い活動を行った。 授業を通じて、「一層の努力が必要」の活動にとどまった。

Additional Information regarding Evaluation Method : Research progress will be measured by evaluation written (50%) and oral (50%) of research progress
Study Consultation (Office Hours) Study Consultation (Office Hours) : By request; planned office hours and place of meeting to be announced. Appointments also available by request; consultation in Japanese or English is welcome.

Suggestion for success (Specific) :
