School of Letters Department of Humanities Human Sciences Course
Psychology Major
Major (Credit 2)

Intended Year:
Intended School:
Perceptual and Cognitive Psychology IV
Perceptual and Cognitive Psychology IV
Sub Title 
Associate Professor, Department of Human Science, Seinan Gakuin University ANDO Hanae
Numbering Code:
Course Code: 16051108
2016 SpringTerm
weekly Mon2
Hakozaki Classroom
J科目 (日本語, 日本語)
Course Overview We learn, develop, and acquire various cognitive abilities in the course of life. Some are cognitive abilities which almost all people will acquire through learning, others are standout cognitive abilities which only limited learners will acquire through long-term training.
This course bases on cognitive psychology and cognitive science, and also touches on relevant topics in psychology of learning, development, and education. The former half of the course provides an overview of learning and abilities common to many people, and the latter half introduces various studies about cognitive abilities of experts who have long-term training in specific fields.
Last updated : 2016/4/8 (15:55)