
HOME新着情報一覧Introduction to Modern Japanese Society (Lecturers: Yu YANG and Sven KRAMER, Faculty of Humanities)

Introduction to Modern Japanese Society (Lecturers: Yu YANG and Sven KRAMER, Faculty of Humanities)

“Introduction to Modern Japanese Society” aims to provide JICA students at Kyushu University with historical knowledge about various aspects of

modern Japan's society, such as politics, economy, industry, urbanization, culture, etc.  

This course is open to all graduate students at Kyushu University for credits. Everyone is welcome to audit this course (self-registration on Moodle).  


Date and Time: Wednesdays 14:50 to 16:20 JST in Spring/Summer 2021  

Enrollment: Moodle (https://moodle.s.kyushu-u.ac.jp/enrol/index.php?id=36091)  

Application: Microsoft Teams.

Syllabus: https://www2.lit.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~syllabus/cgi-bin/table-odd.cgi?thisyear=2021&num=2990201&show=S1210000&big=B00000&each=1


Flyer Introduction to Modern Japanese Society(チラシ)

Poster Introduction to Modern Japanese Society(ポスター)
