英語学・英文学 専攻
専門科目 (2単位)
アメリカ文学演習 V
講義題目:Patricia Highsmith’s Strangers on a Train

授業の概要 Course objectives: Patricia Highsmith (1921-1995) was the author of over 20 novels of literary suspense and eight collections of short fiction. Her first novel, Strangers on a Train, set a high standard for the works that were to follow; it was nominated for an Edgar Award in 1951 and was adapted for the big screen by the great movie director Alfred Hitchcock. In this course we will read the novel in its entirety and discuss its prevalent themes, its genre, and its moral stance, as well as viewing Hitchcock’s (quite different) film adaptation. If there is time, we will also read some of Highsmith’s short stories, of which she wrote many during her lifetime, and compare/contrast their style and themes to those found in the novel. Grades will be based upon attendance, participation, a presentation, comprehension quizzes, a weekly reading journal, and a final essay. The course will have occasional lectures; however, students are expected to read the assigned pages before class, and come to class prepared to discuss the texts. Discussion is absolutely crucial, and will play a large factor in grading. Students will also be asked to prepare and give a presentation or two in class, lead discussions, keep a weekly reading journal, and write a final paper.
学習目標 (1) 全般的な教育目標:
In this course we will read the novel in its entirety and discuss its prevalent themes, its genre, and its moral stance, as well as viewing Hitchcock’s (quite different) film adaptation.

(2) 個別の学習目標:
If there is time, we will also read some of Highsmith’s short stories, of which she wrote many during her lifetime, and compare/contrast their style and themes to those found in the novel.
授業の進め方 Tentative Schedule (subject to change):

Week 1Introduction to the world of Patricia Highsmith
Week 2Read/Discuss: Strangers on a Train, pp. 9-27
Week 3Read/Discuss: Strangers on a Train, pp. 27-49
Week 4 Read/Discuss: Strangers on a Train, pp. 49-69
Week 5 Read/Discuss: Strangers on a Train, pp. 70-90
Week 6 Read/Discuss: Strangers on a Train, pp. 90-112
Week 7Read/Discuss: Strangers on a Train, pp. 112-123
Week 8Read/Discuss: Strangers on a Train, pp. 123-141
Week 9Read/Discuss: Strangers on a Train, pp. 142-163
Week 10Read/Discuss: Strangers on a Train, pp. 163-182
Week 11Read/Discuss: Strangers on a Train, pp. 182-201
Week 12Read/Discuss: Strangers on a Train, pp. 202-226; watch Hitchcock’s “Strangers” (I)
Week 13Read/Discuss: Strangers on a Train, pp. 226-247; watch Hitchcock’s “Strangers” (II)
Week 14Read/Discuss: Strangers on a Train, pp. 247-266; watch Hitchcock’s “Strangers” (III)
Week 15Read/Discuss: Strangers on a Train, pp. 266-281; final remarks

Final paper due ______________
教科書等 <教科書>
Highsmith, Patricia. Strangers on a Train. W.W. Norton and Company, 2001. ISBN-13: 978-0393321982

成績評価方法 Grading: 20% Attendance, 20% Preparation and Participation, 10% Presentation(s), 10% Quizzes, 20% Reading Journal, 20% Final Essay
More than 3 unexcused absences will result in a failing grade.
Being late to class 2 times = 1 absence
“Preparation” = doing all assigned homework before coming to class
“Participation” = doing your best to speak in class
その他 Weekly Reading Journal Structure:

(1) Characters (Major & Minor): Who do you meet in this story? Describe them.
(2) Setting (Time & Place): Where and when is this story taking place? Describe it.
(3) Plot (action, events): What happens in this story? Summarize it.
(4) New Vocabulary, Expressions, Grammatical Structures, etc.
(5) Your Questions, Comments, Reflections or Reaction, etc.