School of Letters Department of Humanities

(Credit 2)

Intended Year:
Intended School:
International Humanities X: Analyzing International Scholarship on Japan II
International Humanities X: Analyzing International Scholarship on Japan II
Sub Title@ Gender in Contemporary Japan
Adjunct Instructor Xiaoyang HAO
Numbering Code:
Course Code:
2023 SpringTerm
Ito Classroom
EȖ (English, English)
Course Overview To what extent did the #MeToo movement take off in Japan and how to make sense of it? Why do sex workers in Japan object to both abolition movements aiming to eliminate prostitution and rights groups striving to advance the rights of those engaged in sex work? The pension system of Japan exempts the pension premium of full-time housewives, but does it really benefit these women? Why do boys almost always outperform girls when it comes to physical strength tests at schools both inside and outside Japan? In the process of addressing these questions, this gender studies course will expose students to local and global issues with which feminist researchers have grappled, and the classical and contemporary gender theories which gender studies scholars have advanced. Together we will be listening to the voices of the marginalized (not limited to women) and diving into various aspects of the questions mentioned above.
Last updated : 2023/3/3 (06:31)