徹底討論大徳寺伝来五百羅漢図の作品誌 ― 地域社会からグローバル世界へ ― A Comprehensive Look: The Cultural Biography of the Daitokuji Five Hundred Luohans
from Local to Global Contexts

開催趣旨/Conference Description


京都大徳寺に伝来してきた五百羅漢図は、1幅に5人の羅漢をあらわし、都合100 幅で構成される壮大な作例です。大徳寺が 88 幅を所有し、アメリカのボストン美術館に 10 幅、フリーア美術館に 2 幅が分蔵されています。早くから南宋仏画の優品として知られてきましたが、2009年夏、奈良国立博物館で開催された『聖地寧波展』ではじめて全容が公開されて以降、大きく研究が進展し、南宋時代における浙江省寧波地方の地域社会や仏教信仰の実態に即して語りうる事例として、再び、注目を集めています。





Conference Description

The 500 Luohans, preserved for centuries at Daitokuji Monastery in Kyoto, is a renowned work that consists of 100 scrolls, each depicting five luohans (arhats). Currently Daitokuji possesses 88 of the scrolls, whereas 10 more are in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and 2 in the Freer Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. These scrolls were noted early on as important works of Southern Song Buddhist painting. Since the epochal Nara National Museum exhibition Sacred Ningbo in the summer of 2009, when the entirety of the set preserved in Japan was put on display for the first time, research on the 500 Luohans has advanced at a rapid pace. It has once again become the focus of attention as a work with which the circumstances of local society and Buddhist worship in the Ningbo region in Southern Song Jiangnan can be understood.

During the thirteenth century the 500 Luohans left its original home and was brought to Kamakura-era Japan, where it served for centuries as a standard for the production of luohan (rakan) paintings. In the modern era it was featured in an 1894 exhibition on the east coast of the United States, and afterwards entered the collections of several east coast museums. Subsequently it would be recognized as a masterpiece of Chinese religious art in the West, and play an important role in comparative east-west art historical discourse.

Thus from its creation up until the present the Daitokuji 500 Luohans has circulated between and transcended a number of disparate contexts across time and space. Because of its unique biography, the 500 Luohans naturally gives rise to numerous art historical themes, including the relationship of Buddhist painting production to local society, the reception of foreign artistic influence, artistic production in relation to antiquities, and comparative art history. Furthermore, it offers eloquent visual testimony to issues of concern to the other humanities fields, including Buddhology, history, religious studies, and cultural anthropology.

This symposium explores the historical role of the Daitokuji 500 Luohans from the perspective of an art historical biography attentive to the social life of things and the consequences of transregional circulation. It aims to demonstrate the many ways in which a single artwork can be responsive to both local and global contingencies, and by doing so hopes to offer new humanistic approaches to the study of art objects. We invite and welcome everyone with an interest to join us.

April, 2018
International Symposium Steering Committee





