
HOME研究・活動イベント一覧第4回 広人文学コース シンポジウムのお知らせ

第4回 広人文学コース シンポジウムのお知らせ

4th IMAP in Japanese Humanities Symposium on Pre-Modern Japanese Culture
Religion and Imagination in Japanese Contexts
December 7-December 10, 2016


Kyushu University, Faculty of Humanities

(locations provided below)


The following guests are funded by Kyushu University's World Premier International Researcher Invitation Program ("Progress 100"):

D. Max Moerman, Professor, Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Cultures, Columbia University, Barnard College

Fabio Rambelli, Professor of Japanese Religions and ISF Endowed Chair of Shinto Studies, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies, Department of Religious Studies University of California, Santa Barbara

Brian Ruppert, Associate Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures and Department of Religion, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


We are grateful for the participation of:

Chari Pradel, Professor, California State Polytechnic University at Pomona

Kyushu University Tokutei Project visiting scholar Elisabetta Porcu, Capetown University

Kyushu University JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow (2016-2018) Dr. Lindsey DeWitt

Kyushu University visiting scholar Ugo Dessi, Leipzig University


International Master's Program / International Doctorate in Japanese Humanities (IMAP/IDOC)

in the Graduate School of Humanities at Kyushu University faculty organizers:

Professors Cynthea J. Bogel and Ellen Van Goethem



December 7, 2016

Morning: Humanities Building, 4th floor, Conference Room

Afternoon: Research Building 1, 2nd floor, Conference Room


9:30-11:30           Brian Ruppert

"Buddhist Manuscript Culture and Mobility: Sacred Works (聖教) and Networking Monks in Medieval Japan"


11:30-12:45              Lunch Break


12:30-13:30        Chari Pradel

"The Tenjukoku Shūchō and Afterlife Beliefs in Seventh-Century Japan"


13:45-14:45        Cynthea Bogel

"Cosmology in Relief: The Eighth-Century Pedestal at Yakushiji, Nara"


15:00-16:30        "The Munakata Shrine, Ōshima and Okinoshima"

Roundtable discussion with students and faculty

                                Chair: Lindsey DeWitt


December 8, 2016

Humanities Building, 4th floor, Conference Room


9:30-11:00                Fabio Rambelli

"The Imagination of India in Premodern Japan"



11:00-11:15              Tea Break


11:15-12:45              D. Max Moerman

"India in the Japanese Cartographic Imagination"



12:45-14:00              Lunch Break


14:00-15:30              D. Max Moerman

"Buddhist Astronomy and the Epistemology of Vision"



15:45-17:15              Fabio Rambelli

"Sada Kaiseki and the Demise of Buddhist Astronomy"



December 9, 2016

9:00-19:00                Bus excursion to Munakata shrine (Hetsumiya), Miyajidake shrine, and Ōshima

                                     (limited seating)




For further information, please contact cjbogel@lit.kyushu-u.ac.jp
