
HOMEイベント一覧ワークショップのお知らせ 2/28-3/3 世界トップレベル研究者招へいプログラム"Progress100"

ワークショップのお知らせ 2/28-3/3 世界トップレベル研究者招へいプログラム"Progress100"

"Progress100" によるワークショップ のお知らせ

日頃は格別のご協力を賜わり 厚くお礼申し上げます
このたび 下記のとおり世界トップレベル研究者招へいプログラム"Progress100"事業によるワークショップを開催いたします。

ご多用中ではございますが 万障お繰り合わせのうえ

Chinese ­Archaeology: Inside and Borders

Lectures on Archaeology and Art History at Kyushu University

Professor Nancy S. Steinhardt

University of Pennsylvania


Funded by

Kyushu University's World Premier International Researcher Invitation Program ("Progress 100")



Professors Cynthea J. Bogel and Ellen Van Goethem


PURPOSE: This course/lecture series will survey Chinese funerary art and architecture from China's first empire through the Tang dynasty (ca. 221 BCE - ca. 907) with a particular focus on tombs at China's borders.  Every session deals with major as well as lesser known tombs: architecture, contents, and murals. Students are encouraged to make comparisons with kofun in Kyushu.


TIME: Four days (Feb. 28 through March 3), two sessions of two hours each (9:45-11:45 and 13:15-15:15).


PLACE: The IMAP seminar room (広人文学 研究室), first floor of the Humanities Building 文学部棟

Map: https://www.kyushu-u.ac.jp/f/252/H23gaiyo_P61-62.pdf  Green number 1.

Enter on the long side of the building near bicycle parking.

I. Tuesday February 28

Tombs of China's First Emperors 秦始皇

Han Chang'an and Its Architecture 漢朝建築
Mawangdui 馬王堆 and Jade Shrouds玉盾
Tombs with Murals in Luoyang洛陽壁畫墓

II. Wednesday March 1

Han Tombs: Xuzhou and Santai 漢墓:徐州, 三台县

Three Sarcophaguses三個石棺
Funerary Art of the Pingcheng平城Capital

Northern Qi Tombs and Their Murals 北齊陵墓和壁畫

III. Thursday March 2

Gansu to Goguryeo, and Kyushu甘肅, 高句麗, 九州畫墓

The 6th Century in East Asian Architecture 東亞建築在第六世紀
Six Features of Three Kingdoms Korean Architecture 三國的六大特點韓國建築

IV. Friday March 3

Brief Review of Tang royal tombs 唐皇家古墳

A Tomb in Bayannuur, Mongolia

A Uyghur Buddhist Prince's Tomb in Beshbaliq維吾爾王子的墳墓



Questions? Contact: cjbogel@lit.kyushu-u.ac.jp
